Lift OneSelf -Podcast

Transformative Journeys: Near-Death Experiences, Angelic Guidance, and Soul Connections - Episode 115

Lift OneSelf Season 11 Episode 115
Ever wondered how a near-death experience can spark a profound spiritual awakening? On this captivating episode of the Lift One Self podcast, our guest, June Edward, opens up about her transformative journey following such an event at the age of 27. We begin by grounding ourselves through a guided meditation, setting the stage for June to share how her experiences led her to create the Relationship Mastery Program. June delves into the concepts of karmic and soulmate connections, explaining how all relationships serve as vital lessons for our personal growth. Her story is one of remarkable spiritual unfoldment, as she describes how her abilities blossomed about a decade ago, leading her to write books and develop resources to assist others on their spiritual paths.

Imagine encountering a Seraphim angel during a Reiki session—June did, and she recounts this extraordinary experience and its profound effects on both her and her client. This episode explores the significance of developing a language to connect with celestial beings and underscores the transformative power of angelic guidance. We discuss the importance of asking for assistance from angels while respecting the laws of free will and how life's trials often realign us with our true paths. June's insights affirm that every challenge and joy carries a purpose, contributing to our spiritual evolution.

Rounding off this enlightening conversation, we delve into the strength found in adversity through the moving story of a sister who dedicated her life to helping others despite enduring abuse and terminal illness. This conversation highlights the importance of radical honesty, emotional processing, and making decisions guided by our souls rather than fear.

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Music by prazkhanal

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Music by prazkhanal

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello Hi.

Speaker 2:

June. How are you?

Speaker 1:

Good, how are?

Speaker 2:

you, I'm well, I'm well.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to the Lift One Self podcast, where we break mental health stigmas through conversations. I'm your host, nat Nat, and we dive into topics about trauma and how it impacts the nervous system. Yet we don't just leave you there. We share insights and tools of self-care, meditation and growth that help you be curious about your own biology. Your presence matters. Please like and subscribe to our podcast. Help our community grow. Let's get into this. Oh, and please remember to be kind to yourself.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Lift One Self podcast, june. I'm so thankful you're here with me. Thank you for having me. Will you join me in a guided meditation so we can ground ourselves in our breath? Absolutely, and for the listeners, as you always hear me say, if you're driving or if you're running, please do not close your eyes. I want you to stay safe and everyone around you to stay safe. Yet the other prompts that I guide us in you're able to do with whatever activity you're in. So, june, I'll ask you to get comfortable in your seating and you're going to gently close your eyes and you're going to begin breathing in and out through your nose and you're going to bring your attention to watching your breath go in and out through your nose. You're not going to try and control your breath, you're just going to keep your awareness on your breath and become aware of the rhythm. There may be some sensations or feelings coming up. Let them come up. You're safe to feel.

Speaker 3:

You're safe to let go. Surrender the need to control, release the need to resist and just be, be in your breath, drop into your body.

Speaker 2:

Stay with your breath and dropping deeper into your body. Staying with your breath now, at your own time and at your own pace. You're going to gently open your eyes while staying with your breath. Now, at your own time and at your own pace. You're going to gently open your eyes while staying with your breath. How's your heart doing?

Speaker 1:

My heart.

Speaker 2:

My heart is always full. Can you let the listeners know who June is?

Speaker 1:

June is an energetic soul having a human experience and loving life.

Speaker 2:

What is it that I see behind you? All Fair Loves, Karma.

Speaker 1:

All Fair and Loving Karma. That is my latest book I've written, for this is a result of my Relationship Mastery Program, and by putting hundreds of people through the program, I learned that we are all here for the five same lessons. We need to learn these lessons in order for our soul to advance, and this is the reason that we get into relationship and everything is relationship, doesn't matter what it is, whether it's your work relationship, your family relationship, your friends, your significant other. We learn our lessons faster on this side than we do on the other side, and faster still within relationship. And there are karmic relationships, there are soulmate relationships. They're a little different, but they're all happening for a reason and they're all here to teach us something or for you to teach someone else and what brought you into this space?

Speaker 2:

What brought the curriculum or the course for you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

I'm angelically guided. To be honest with you. Sounds a little crazy, but that's the reality of it, and I died when I was 27. I came back here by choice and you would think at that point in time my life would have completely changed, but that was not the case. Everything in your life happens when it's supposed to happen and about 10 years ago apparently, was the time and when my abilities opened up, I could not turn them off and had to go find help, because I'm seeing dead people talking to souls, knowing everything there is to know about people that I don't know, and it was very alarming and very frightening, to be honest, and you can't do the work that I do if you have fear. That's the reality, and I spent a year and a half learning how to control my abilities, how to turn it on, how to turn it off, who I'm speaking with, how to protect myself, and then, from there, my education took over from the other side. You know we live in a 3D world here, 3d existence where our energetic soul inside this body having an experience when we go to sleep at night, body having an experience when we go to sleep at night, our energy level rises and we go into that 4D dream state and then 5D is the lowest level of heaven and that's where I went when I died and that's where I have the ability to go back and forth to now at will. And you know about about eight years ago I guess. Well, after my abilities opened up about 10 years ago, like everyone else, I started reading cards and training that way and everybody would ask about relationships. Okay, so I get the idea I need to do a Facebook group for relationships. So I did that and quickly had like 40 something thousand people on it. It's down to 23,000 because Facebook removed a ton of people.

Speaker 1:

But then I hear that I need to write a book. And I'm like I'm writing a book, I'm writing my autobiography. And I hear, no, not that book, you need to write another book. I'm like what book? I'm like, oh, I was teaching mediumship and psychic development at the time and I'm hearing you need to write a book on that so your students have something to take home as a handbook. I'm like, if you want me to write another book, you're going to have to help me because I'm teaching, I'm writing my autobiography, I'm taking care of my mom, who was 93 and passing away. So I need help. So I channeled the highest guide from the other side and wrote and published my first book in six weeks.

Speaker 1:

Then I went back to my autobiography and then I hear about six months later that I need to film videos about relationships. I'm like what? Yeah, you need to film videos about relationships. I'm like, okay, so I literally sit down and I write and script out enough for 10 videos on marriage, divorce, blended families, retirement, aging couples, all these things, and I literally hire a professional camera crew and film all these things. Then I'm like now, what am I supposed to do with them? I put them on my website, I put them on the Facebook for sale and no one was really interested. I'm like I don't know. All I know is this was what I was supposed to do. It's that knowing, that's listening to your soul and listening to the other side.

Speaker 1:

About a year later, I hear that I need to do a program. I'm like a program, yeah, to help people reconcile their relationships. I'm like, okay, so again, it took me about six weeks to put this whole program together. All these videos popped right into all the segments and all the weeks. It's a seven-week program and then it took me a year and a half to figure out the technical stuff on it because I'm not really a technical person. That was a challenge to get that going.

Speaker 1:

But after I work with one person and I teach people how to get that going.

Speaker 1:

But after you know, I work with one person and I teach people how to get in touch with their soul, how energy works, because the whole universe is energy, everything is energy, and it only takes one person to make or break any situation, because for every action there's an equal or greater reaction and when you do something differently, everyone else has to do something differently.

Speaker 1:

So I only work with one person in a relationship and by putting hundreds of people through that relationship and reconciling their relationship, it's just incredible. I have people that teach their children the program now and the book was a result of that. Again, I don't set out to write. Trust me, when I write it's a mangled mess and it's all over the place and completely disorganized, and they pop it right into order for me and this was a bestseller and an award winner, so I'm very proud of that. But it's helped a lot of people as well understand why they get into these relationships, why they keep getting into the same type of relationships? How come they can't keep money in their hands? What the heck? Why is all this stuff happening to me? It answers a lot of the questions for everybody.

Speaker 2:

I know you started off about the angels and some people may think it's crazy. I just think it's that they just haven't developed that language and if they're ready, then they're ready, Rather than limiting themselves as saying that it's some kind of woo-woo or mental or something. It's like you just haven't reached that level of being able to open yourself up to. I call it the other side of love and hearing the frequency, the energy, the language.

Speaker 1:

So it's interesting because our belief systems are based on what we've been taught or what we experience. And prior to passing away at 27, I can tell you that, although I had a lot of ability as a child, I was exposed to tons of religion growing up, because my mom was a medium and I didn't know that she was searching for answers. She was searching for answers and for me, I always felt and knew there was a higher power, but everything else to me was like it's just crazy stuff. People you know praying on beads and Mother Mary in the bathtub in the front yard and a little statue in their car, and I can tell you for certain that it is all real. It's amazing On the other side. Heaven is just unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

The first time I ever brought an angel through it was just I was beside myself and I was still learning. I had, you know, I was probably only a year and a half or two years into this. I had taken some Reiki classes. I'm a Reiki master in Western and I'm a Ukadan level in Jikuden Reiki, which is the Japanese Reiki and I was doing Reiki on a client in my own business and all of a sudden, the entire room just filled with the light and this angel showed at the head of the bed, from floor to ceiling, and I was so overcome with emotion. I was on my knees in tears and I was grateful that this client had her eyes closed and couldn't see what was happening. And the angel gave me a message for her. And I asked the angel its name, because I still don't know all the angels' names there's so many of them. And she said I still don't know all the angels' names, there's so many of them. And she said Seraphim.

Speaker 1:

And when this woman was done with her session, I asked her if she wanted to know what happened and I told her that the angel showed up and the message was that I said you have a little boy. She goes yeah, I have a baby. That's about 18 months. I said she wanted you to know that she's watching over both you and your son and protecting you both, because he's meant to do great things in this world.

Speaker 1:

And she broke down in tears. She said it was the first time she'd been out of her house without her son in 18 months, because she was so afraid to leave him with anyone. She thought someone would hurt him. And she was very, very grateful for the message. And then she's leaving and she's already in the parking lot. I'm looking up the name of the angel and I'm running out the door. I'm like, look, look, seraphim is the. It's the highest angel there is. It sits to the right hand of God. It's a choir angel and it's a huge angel and I've brought many angels through since and that's the only choir angel I've ever seen or ever brought through and it's just immense, it's just amazing.

Speaker 3:

But they're real.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're a separate race. They were never human. Their entire existence is to help us, and they cannot help you if you do not ask. There are rules on the other side, just as there are rules here, and that is their rule you have to ask in order for them to help you. So if you lose something, st Anthony, help me find it Sure enough. Every single solitary time, within moments. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's that permission, permission not being able, it's that free will, being able to allow that permission and to open yourself up to receive, which I think we can suffer through in the human experience. That being able to receive and open yourself up to ask the questions can be very challenging, because I think there's sometimes this indoctrination that if you ask for help or if you open yourself up, you're lesser than you need to figure it out on your own.

Speaker 1:

So we all have a different journey here. We all planned our lives here, whether we believe it or not, and everything that's happening in your life is happening for a reason. There's no accidents. We can all look back in our life hindsight's, 20-20, right and see how everything in your life has brought you to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing and brought you to where you are right now. And everyone is always exactly where they're supposed to be. There's no accidents.

Speaker 1:

And some of the things in your past you may not have liked going through, but the reality of it is you're stubborn, you weren't listening to your soul, you were off your path and the universe stepped in to put you back on your path. And sometimes you're not going to like it. Suppose you were supposed to move cross country and take another job and that's where you were going to meet your significant other and maybe have children, and blah, blah, blah and you're like I'm not going, I don't want to move, blah, blah, universe going to step in, you're going to lose your job, maybe they'll burn your house down, but one way or another they're going to get you where you're supposed to be. You're always going to be on your path. The only thing you can do is keep delaying it, just like your lessons. You know we talk about free will. They want you to think you have free will, they.

Speaker 1:

You take door one, you go through it, you get married. You have a couple, children, you get divorced. Where are you going to be In front of door one, two and three People create just a habit, right? What are they going to do? They take door one again. They get married again. They have a couple, more kids, they get divorced again. If they learned the lesson they were supposed to learn, they're not taking door one anymore. They're going to take door two or door three and get on with their path. They may still get married and have more children, but it's not going to end the way the first two did because they learned the lesson they were supposed to learn.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and as humans, when we know we're a creature of patterns and habits. So once you can recognize that and I call it processing the shit, because every garden is manure, so, but nobody wants to deal with the manure or the shit, and it's like, well, you can't have a vibrant garden without that manure and there's some things that you're going to experience in life that are uncomfortable, they're challenging, yet you're not looking at the resilience and the life experience in that, because everybody you know everybody wants to talk about, they want resilience, yet it's like, well, you're going to have to experience some pain and some life experience to have this resilience that you're speaking about.

Speaker 1:

Well, and it doesn't have to be as difficult as people make it. To be honest, we are our own worst enemies. There's five lessons that we have to learn, and the first one is the most important one, and it's self-worth. And too many people, for whatever reason, don't have self-worth. You know the old adage right Misery loves company. People will love to bring you down whether it's family, friends, it doesn't matter, but it's still everyone's lesson to learn and you know you can delay your lessons your whole life if you want and have to come back the next time, or you can learn your lessons, and self-worth is not value. That's what other people place on you.

Speaker 1:

Self-worth is the understanding that you are the only one of you in this entire universe. How special are you, how important are you that you are the only one here, even if you're a twin? You want different things, you like different things. You have different fingerprints. You're different people. You are the only one and no one has power over you to make you anything. I can't look at you and say, hey, I want you to love me, I want you to hate me. I don't have that power. You are the only one that has the power over how you feel about anything, you are the only one that can make you happy. No one has that power. And when you do that and you're happy, your happiness ping-pongs off of everything. And as much as society would like you to feel that it's selfish or narcissistic to put yourself first, it's not. It's where everything else comes from. If you don't put yourself first, it's not. It's where everything else comes from. If you don't put yourself first, you're just not going to be here for anybody else are you.

Speaker 2:

It's that simple. I love it. I love the synergy of this. It can be challenging to really for some trauma or being separated from self or being separated from your worth, to really comprehend that. Yet once you really you know, step into it, you really everything, you see, because in the work that I do I always tell people it's like it's facing yourself and having to go through the pain. Yet what people do is the avoidance and they run and they create all this suffering and this difficulty when all you had to do was face yourself. Yet we're not taught to face ourselves and see how we're blocking certain blessings and miracles and seeing that, like you know, you have to feel, and once you can feel and recognize, you don't sit in it, you just let it pass through because it's just messages coming through.

Speaker 1:

There's only two things you take with you when you die you take your knowledge and you take your feelings, all of your feelings. So keep them, you know, be aware of them, enjoy them. Yeah, they're there for a reason.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, even the ones that are uncomfortable, their messages, and unfortunately, a lot of people will play a la carte with certain things and it's like, well, you don't realize, you're not feeling your wholeness, like with the.

Speaker 1:

W that word. The reality of it is everything has to stay in balance. It's one of our lessons. Okay, and you can't know joy if you don't know sorrow. It's that simple. There's an opposite. For everything to stay in balance, there's highs, there's lows, there's good and evil. But for every feeling that you have sadness, you don't know sadness if you don't know joy. You don't know the difference. And there are a lot of people that block feelings. They don't want to feel the feelings, they don't want to feel the hurt. Well, if you've loved, then you're going to have hurt. It's just the other side of that.

Speaker 1:

And it's better to love than have never loved at all. Right, it's better to love and say Then you know, there are people in this world that have never had a loving, intimate relationship in their life. How sad is that? You know, for the people that have been in love and have experienced that, that's the highest frequency there is. Love and being in love. It's the highest frequency you can get. And there are people in this world that have never felt that and that is just so sad. It really is. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

What would you say to the people Because I think sometimes people get the wrong narrative that if I go into this love or if I manifest, or if I do these courses, that everything is going to be a way of opening and everything's going to go my way and there's not going to be any challenges in my life, like as if?

Speaker 1:

there's challenges. You grow through challenges. This is how your soul grows, and everything in life is perspective. Everything in life is perspective. So I'm a relationship expert. Suppose your significant other cheated on you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, most people's perspective is, right off the bat my self-worth, I'm not valuable, they don't love me enough, they don't want me, they don't care about me. You put it all on you. It's really got nothing to do with you. They're cheating on you. That's something they need to do for their soul. That's part of their life path. You really have nothing to do with it.

Speaker 1:

Quite honestly, maybe they had to go outside of the relationship to understand your worth. Maybe they didn't value you Okay, and sometimes that's the case. You don't realize what you have until you're ready to lose it. Whatever the reason is, maybe it was a karmic situation where they had cheated on someone in a past life and they need to know what it feels like in this lifetime. Certainly doesn't mean it's the end of everything. And think about it. If you love somebody and you truly love somebody, do you sit there one night and say I love them so much I'm going to go out and cheat on them? No, you know, certain things happen in your life and everything happens for a reason. There are no accidents. So everything is perspective. It's really how you look at things. The glass isn't half full or half empty. The glass is refillable, you know. Fill it up, drink it, enjoy it, fill it up again. This is how your life is supposed to be. You know, if you're not having any joy in your life and you don't want this person in your life, that's one thing.

Speaker 1:

But trust and communication are also one of the big lessons we have to learn. You know you have to be able to communicate to each other, to everyone in your life, your wants and your needs. Doesn't matter who it is no one knows by osmosis. So there's very good possibility there was a communication gap going on there as well. And then you also have to trust that there is a higher power and that everything is happening for a reason. And you have to trust that you made this plan. So you have to trust that you made this plan. So you have to ask yourself why would I write this into my life? Maybe I wasn't appreciating that person? Maybe I wasn't communicating in the relationship? What is my responsibility in this? You have to ask. It really is about perspective and you have, you know, trust and communication. You know it's the same thing. Sex is no different. If you can't communicate and trust outside the bedroom, you're not going to communicate and trust inside the bedroom. Right, it works both ways.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate the language that you have, the simplicity of really putting the responsibility of seeing. You know, look at yourself, because this blame of looking outside of yourself, there's no control over that, it's looking within yourself and seeing how are you possibly harming yourself by seeing things, like you said, your perspective, and it's always, you know, how are you choosing to show up in this and what is it that you're actually feeling in that. Yet the language that you have is, you know, very simplistic, so people can digest it and see it and they can take action to really feel a fulfilling life and feel the joy. Because I think you know we get indoctrinated that life needs to be really hard and painful.

Speaker 1:

So you know it is for some people and you know I had a sister that died about 10 years ago and she had a very, very difficult life. Yet she gave back in so many ways. She was the sweetest thing in the world. She ran a soup kitchen on Venice Beach in California for years and spent all her time going to pick up the you know, the food that the grocery stores were throwing out and cooking it into soup and having volunteers help her bring it down and started a nonprofit and wanted to start a woman's shelter and this is how she, you know, dedicated her life.

Speaker 1:

But she suffered a lot in her life. She had been in many abusive relationships before she found her strength. But even when she was dying she moved out of the county and had no health insurance because she wanted to go back home and die at home. They only gave her six weeks to live. She hung on for three months with stage four cancer and no medication because she had no insurance. I'm on the phone with the doctor begging him to try and do something to get her medication so that she's not in so much pain.

Speaker 1:

And since she's passed to the other side, I had to ask her and it was fairly recently that I actually asked her why, why did you write a plan to suffer so much when you were here? And we wonder why people do that, because a lot of people do suffer here and we joke because she's such an enlightened person and an enlightened soul. She was a Buddhist. I'm sorry, she was a Hindu. She's just sitting here. She's sitting here. When you talk about them, they show up and she's like no, I'm not a Buddhist, I'm a Hindu. I'm like, okay, sitting here, because when you talk about them, they show up and she's like, no, I want the borders of hindo. Like, okay, uh, understand, there only is one one higher power. Doesn't matter what your religion is, okay, um, but you know I used to bust her and say, oh you, you know you should be an ascended master because you're you're, you know you want to teach and you know you're just such a, you're such a pure soul. And I asked her why she went through so much suffering. She says, well, I actually am on that path to be an ascended master and my soul has to feel what human beings feel, or I cannot guide them, and it's the same thing.

Speaker 1:

I had a very difficult life, my entire journey and I used to joke about it and say, for everything I've gone through, I should win the lottery. Well, I have In my eyes, I've won the lottery. I love what I do. I'm grateful for being here and being able to help people, and had I not gone through everything I'd gone through in my life, I wouldn't be able to counsel and help the people that I do. It's the old adage you got to walk a mile on their shoes. People sit there and say you have no idea what I've been through. You can't imagine. I'm like yeah, I've been there, honey, I've done that. It happened to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, we share a similar story. That's the reason why I can hold the space for people and show them, because it's like I've had a very colorful life and a very painful life, and once you have your lived experience, you're able to relate to people where they can't argue. It's like I'm here with you, I get what it feels like the other side.

Speaker 1:

And guess what? Life is amazing, amazing.

Speaker 2:

It is and when you can shift that perception and have that it is, and when you can shift that perception and have that. What I say to people I'm like you need safety for that nervous system to let go of that defense mechanism and not engage all that fear and you need radical honesty to just really allow yourself to feel and process and be able to show up in life, as it is not the stories that you create in your head about what it should look like.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is the problem. You know, we're here. We're an energetic soul living a 3D life okay, for different reasons. However, we are not the suit that sits here. We're not While you're here in the body. We have brains in our heads, right? Well, your brain is nothing more than a massive computer. It helps you process all the information that you're given, and some people have 386 bits and some people have, you know, millions of bits in their computer. Some people process better than others, right, but everyone's brain has a specific job. Your brain's job is to protect you. How does it do that? It does it by creating fear. So most people are making their decisions in life based on fear, and when you do that, it's literally a 50-50 crapshoot. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but you're always questioning your decision. Everyone has had something in their life that they just knew they were supposed to do it. They had that gut feeling that they knew they were supposed to do something. That is your soul and they did it. They didn't really think it through and it worked out fine.

Speaker 1:

I teach people how to get in touch with their soul and make all their decisions from their soul. So your soul is way too big for this body. Okay, some of it's in your body, some of it's over your body that people can see and they call it an aura, and the majority of your soul is actually in the lowest level of heaven, the fifth dimension, and it orchestrates the timing of all the events that happen in this life. So you stay on your path and it also holds the knowledge of all of your lif happen in this life. So you stay on your path and it also holds the knowledge of all of your lifetimes. So when you meditate, make sure you protect yourself first.

Speaker 1:

Meditate because when you open your mind to the universe, you're opening it for good and evil, and when you have a good heart, you're a target for evil. But when you open yourself up and get in touch with your soul and get out of that brain, you're not just getting in touch with the part that's inside of you, you're getting in touch with the larger part of your soul that's in that fifth dimension in heaven and has all that knowledge. And this is why people that really start getting into meditation and I don't recommend more than 20 minutes at a time, unless you're trying to astral project, because you won't stay grounded you start knowing things. Your ears start ringing. You're getting downloads from the other side in that computer brain that you have, and suddenly you know things that you didn't know before. And you don't really know how you know it. Maybe I must have read it somewhere or I must have heard it somewhere. No, it's coming from your soul, from the other side. It's giving you the information that you need for your journey.

Speaker 2:

I so appreciate you, june, and I so appreciate the light that you're bringing and the alchemy of taking those impurities and turning them into gold, yet just really being that vessel of a message and, you know, having the discipline to listen to the guidance Cause, like you said, like, oh okay, well, you want me to do this. It doesn't make sense. Yet I'll do it. Like.

Speaker 1:

I have a told you some of the things that I did in my life Cause I just knew I was supposed this was before I even knew I was listening to my soul. All I knew is I knew I know I have to do this. People looked at me and like you are crazy, and it worked out amazing. I just knew. And that's your soul you have to learn to. You really have to trust. But this is where trust comes in trust and communication. You have to trust that higher power. You have to trust that you made the plan. You have to trust your soul. It's all part of it.

Speaker 2:

Would you say that the person has to trust themselves?

Speaker 1:

Who are they? They are the soul. That's who they are, yet they don't realize that and that's the figure.

Speaker 1:

You trust your soul. This is what you have to get into. Everything in the universe is energy. Our souls are pure energy. People don't understand energy because they can't see it. You can't see the air you're breathing, but it's there, isn't it? You can't see the microwaves cooking your food, but clearly something's happening in there.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, and we're magnets, so we're always either repelling or attracting in any given time, and everyone that's in your life is on the same energetic frequency as you. So energy frequency, just you know. Same words for different things. It's the same thing, it's energy. So it's like a radio station. You can't get the station in unless you're on the right frequency. Right, correct the same thing with everyone in your life. Everyone in your life is on that frequency.

Speaker 1:

So if you want to have more abundance in your life, you want to have better quality of friends, things like that you have to raise your vibration. Other things will fall off if they don't belong in your life and new things will start to attract into your life. This is how the law of attraction works, but to maintain it you have to balance your energy. Everything has to stay in balance in the universe. Everything has to be an equal exchange of energy. This is why you don't walk into the grocery store and pay a million dollars for a gallon of milk, right? Money is energy. That's why it's called currency and it's what we use in this 3D world to show whether or not your life is in balance.

Speaker 1:

Suppose all you do is work 80 hours a week. You have no time for your friends, your family, your hobbies. Your life is out of balance If you're just saving your money and you're not spending it on yourself again. You don't have enough self-worth to spend the fruits of your labor on yourself. Money is energy. It has to flow. What you put out is going to keep coming back. You are meant to live a life of abundance. All you have to do is understand how the energy works, talk to the universe, get into that flow and listen to your soul, and anything you want the universe will bring you. It's like Christmas and it doesn't matter who you are, if you're the beggar on the street and that's the role they chose to play, for whatever reason. And they want a bed and a hot meal. All they have to do is ask and I guarantee you someone will point them in the direction of a bed and a hot meal for the night.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for this. I want to bring you into a reflective question. I want to ask you to bring your awareness right now and go back to your 18 year old self, and you have three words to tell your 18 year old self to carry through the journey to right now. What't, do it, don't do it.

Speaker 1:

Can you explain what that is? You don't know. You know hindsight's a wonderful thing again and you don't know what you don't know. It's that simple and for what I know now I could say don't do it. Yeah, beautiful, I love love that.

Speaker 2:

Are you willing to share the uh intention you had for the podcast during the meditation?

Speaker 1:

my intention is always the same for my guides and angels to come through and help me give whatever message the people that are listening need, because if you're listening to this podcast, clearly there's something that you're supposed to be hearing and something you need to get from it yeah, yeah, and I truly felt that throughout this whole interaction.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm sure there's many listeners that are like okay, enough talking, where can I find June? So can you let them know where they can find you please?

Speaker 1:

It's very simple. It's just my name, june Edward. There's no S juneedwardcom. You can go to my website and sign up for a free webinar and learn a little bit more about how energy works, and if you're interested in the Relationship Mastery Program, you can sign up for a complimentary call with me as well. You can schedule an appointment with me. I do readings, I do Akashic Records, I do astrology, numerology, I do all kinds of different things, and there's lots of videos you can watch on there from my students that have gone through the program. There are links to all of my books on there, and you can reach me on social media as well if you have any questions. All my links are on there also.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Is there something that you'd like to leave the listeners?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, look in the mirror and look at what's staring back at you and learn how unconditional love works. It starts with you. Unconditionally love yourself. You're wonderful. You're the only one of you here. You're here for a purpose, you're here for a reason. Know that, love you and then go from there.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for being so amazing, june, and thank you for this amazing conversation. I truly appreciate this connection, so thank you, my pleasure. Please remember to be kind to yourself. Hey, you made it all the way here. I appreciate you and your time. If you found value in this conversation, please share it out. If there was somebody that popped into your mind, take action and share it out with them.

Speaker 3:

It possibly may not be them that will benefit. It's that they know somebody that will benefit from listening to this conversation, so please take action and share out the podcast so please take action and share out the podcast. You can find us on social media, on Facebook, instagram and TikTok.

Speaker 2:

Under lift oneself and if you want to inquire about the work that I do and the services that I provide to people, come over on my website, come into a discovery.

Speaker 3:

Call LiftOneSelfcom. Until next time, please remember to be kind and gentle with yourself. You matter.

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